Today, I had a craving for mutton briyani (again) for my lunch. This is the third time in two weeks. 🙂 I have few favourites and one of them is this Geylang Briyani at stall #02-146 on the second floor of Geylang Serai Market. Pak Hamid, the owner and the chef, is a very friendly guy, who always smile when talking to and serving his customers.
That’s him preparing my order.

A little on technical info. I really like the Fuji X-T2’s in-camera conversion from RAW to JPEG. The image above was shot in RAW using XF 23mm f/2 lens and converted to JPEG in-camera using the setting below:
- Film Simulation: Classic Chrome
- Highlight Tone: +1
- Shadow Tone: +2
- Color: -2
- White Balance: Kelvin (if not mistaken it was set to 5900)
- Grain: Weak
- Noise Reduction: -4
Image was then sent to my iPhone 6s and synced to iCloud. I then resized it in Lightroom.