Tips and Tricks

Children Photography – Shooting Everyday Photos

Photographing childhood means much more than just taking portrait shots of your children. It means photographing memories. Sometimes, some of these memories cannot be repeated anymore, or sometimes they become very important because they happen for the very first time.

These memories happen every day, from small things like when they first put on their own clothes to a bigger event such as a trip to a park or birthday party. Memorable shots from these events may not always mean shots that show your child’s face or expression, but it can also be shots of details of what they do. The shots can also be about what they have or what they create at certain point in time.

At home, I always have my small camera ready to use. The battery is charged and the memory card is either empty or has enough space. The camera that plays this role now for me is my Panasonic GF1 + 20mm f/1.7 pancake lens. It’s smaller and simpler compared to its big brother DSLR and it’s freeing. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my big DSLRs no matter how heavy they are, but I use this Micro Four Thirds camera for a lot of daily photos shot at home or sometimes when I am out with my family and I just want to travel light.

The photos of my six-year-old niece tying her shoelaces here were all shot using this GF1 and 20mm lens. Shot using aperture priority, the chosen aperture was wide-open, f/1.7.


5 thoughts on “Children Photography – Shooting Everyday Photos”

  1. I think while photographing childhood memories and important events (to the kids), you’re also photographing the kids’ personalities, especially if they get to pick out something out by themselves. I love the shoes in these photos! I don’t know your niece or what she looks like, but I bet she has a cute and “sparkly” personality. 🙂

  2. Hey everyone, thanks a lot.

    Anastasia, you’re absolutely right about shooting the kids’ personalities too. 🙂

    Daphne, what a coincidence! In fact few other of our friends also did the same thing apparently. No no, your photos are great. You are too humble. 🙂

  3. Hi Hendra

    I just discovered your blog, and am slowing going through your posts. Great blog, wonderful photos, good stories. I particularly like these everyday photos of your niece tying her shoelaces taken at different angles.

    I own a GF2 + 14mm pancake lens and a Nikon D90. I have no idea why my GF2 doesn’t produce photos that are half as sharp as the ones taken by others’. Time to figure out why.



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