Singapore, Travel Blog

Street Photography in Singapore

It rained hard on Sunday morning. I came early to our church in Katong area as I needed to run some errands. While waiting, I shot some street photos. Can you see the rain drops in the photo above? See one more below.

I saw this man walking initially and he made a stop and sat in front of the OCBC bank on East Coast Road. He was tired and resting for a while.

Orchard Road … full of actions and busy people walking. I thought of capturing the motion of people walking  by using slow shutter speed. See two images below from Orchard Road.


The following photos below were taken at Joo Chiat Road. One of my favorite locations for street photography in Singapore.


Chinatown … another great location for street photography in Singapore.


And last but not least … Arab Street, also another great location for street photography.

All photos except one, were shot with Leica M9. I am getting in love more and more with this rangefinder camera. I enjoy the manual process of shooting with it. I don’t miss the auto focus of my other cameras when shooting street photography with it.

If you have not seen my status on Facebook, this blog has been chosen as one of the 10 finalists for Singapore Best Photography Blog 2011. The voting has started and will end on 3 July. The overall winner will be based on 30% public voting and 70% judges’ scores. Few things to note on the voting:

  1. you can vote everyday and please vote everyday.  🙂  One vote per category per day.
  2. voting is open for everyone in Singapore and overseas. You need to register before you can vote to ensure legitimate voting.

If you have a moment to spare, I would be very grateful if you could vote for me. Go here to vote. Thank you everyone for all the supports.

3 thoughts on “Street Photography in Singapore”

  1. Hi Hendra

    Great shots…..its remind me to pick up the hobby again…..err…have you try the kaya and butter bun next to your church? 🙂

  2. Hi Hendra

    Great shots…its remind me to pick up this hobby again…err, have not try the kay and butter bun near your church for years…:)


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