iPhone Photography, Photographer's Journal

Shoot as though you’d be stricken blind tomorrow

Dorothea Lange, an American documentary photographer who lived from 1895 to 1965 once said, “One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be stricken blind”. So, shoot more frequently, I guess that’s the message and having a phone with camera with you all the time will help.

All photos in this blog entry were taken using the iPhone 4s and processed in the iPhone using various apps. Enjoy and keep shooting.

Since my office now is in the Marina Bay area, I have been shooting a lot there almost every morning while walking to the office and every evening while walking to the train station to go home. The two below were shot two days ago after work. Beautiful evening sunset.

The scene in the image below is what I see everyday from my workstation. So, when the day is tough, I pause and take photo first.  🙂 

The image below is “unreal”. Meaning, in reality, you can’t see all these together at the same time. You need to turn 180 degrees to be able to see all. In fact, the image below is almost a  270 degree panorama. I shot this with the AutoStitch app.

The image below could be one of the best shots I took this week. I saw him from a distance, “walking his bike”. I waited somewhere where I could see those buildings in the background and took the shot when he was in front of me. I then converted it to black and white using an app called Noir.

The one below was taken at Kallang River.

This is another panorama image taken using the AutoStitch app. It was taken just outside the Simei MRT Station sometime ago.

You probably have noticed that I like shooting from inside a bus or taxi. Especially when it’s raining. The one below was shot when I was on a double-decker bus to my office after sending my daughter to school. If you can’t tell, it’s a shot of a yellow cab on a rainy day. Speaking of shooting from inside a taxi, if you have missed it before, here are some photos that I took from inside a taxi on the street of Jakarta.

And last but not least, I have been experimenting with an app called SlowShutter. It creates an image with panning-like effect. You shoot just like when you shoot panning using normal camera. But, the one below was shot when I was behind my wife and my daughter when we were walking to her school.

So, shoot as though you’d be stricken blind tomorrow. Enjoy the life through the lens. I look forward to shooting again tomorrow.

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