Photographer's Journal

Remembering Details

Many years from now, do you want to remember what your children had in their room when they were five? While it’s important to shoot their portraits, don’t forget to shoot other details of their growing up days.Β Their favorite toys, their drawings (scan them too), their art work, things they do, things they have, etc. are some subjects you can shoot.

I shot these one late night after work in my daughter’s room while she was sleeping. I wanted to photograph some of the details she had in her room that day. I used a macro lens as I wanted to go in close, shot the details and blurred the background to emphasize the subjects. But you can shoot these with almost any lens you have or any camera you have. The most important thing is to be able to keep the memories in the form of photographs. So, have fun and keep shooting.

9 thoughts on “Remembering Details”

  1. I don’t have any kids, but what a great idea! I wished my parents took lots of photos of me and stuff that related to me when I was growing up…even though they weren’t “photographers”…just the fact that kids have these photo momentos are so fun and awesome to have.

    • Hi Anastasia, I didn’t have this kind of photos either when I was a kid, so I am trying to do something different for my daughter now. I will find out later if she likes them. πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Hendra,

    Glad to have met you on the cruise today!

    U take such great pictures!

    Will do something like that with the kids when they get older! πŸ™‚



  3. Hi Hendra,

    Glad to have met you on the cruise today!

    U take such great pictures and will definitely do something like this with the kids when they get older!



  4. Hi Hendra,

    your photos always seem to have a soft look to them; sort of a dreamy feeling.
    Just wondering if you managed to do that by camera setting or thru lightroom/photoshop and if so can you give me some tips on how to do that?



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