Singapore, Travel Blog

Playing Chinese Chess – 2006

4 thoughts on “Playing Chinese Chess – 2006”

  1. Hi Hendra, this particular set of photos has gotten my attention. Aside from being very, very good photos, I’m just wondering if you spoke to them before you took the photos and what in particular did you say to them?

    I’m interested in street photography but I’m looking for ways to interact with subjects before taking pictures of them; yet at the same time I don’t want them to ‘pose’ for me after I speak to them.



  2. Hi Sam, thanks for your comment.
    Specifically for this set, no I did not speak to them but I made my presence and intention obvious that I wanted to take their photos while they were playing and watching the game. I did not hide my camera and I did not hide myself either. I did not shoot from a far distance and I did not shoot in a stealth mode. I was very close to them and spent the first few minutes joining the crowd to watch the game. This I believe helped me to get the “acceptance” from them when I started shooting after that.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hi Hendra,
    Thanks for replying to my comment.
    I see, thats very interesting and thanks for the tips. Its a very good set of photos especially the first one with the expression from the man on the left just making it stand out! 🙂

    Thanks again 🙂


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