Gear Test and Review

Olympus PEN E-P3 Review – Part 3

Another review of the new Olympus PEN E-P3. I took the camera out to Little India last weekend with its Olympus M.ZUIKO Digital ED 12mm f/2 lens. What a great lens for street photography it is. Very sharp and nice wide angle coverage. All these images are the JPEG straight out of the camera. No post-processing at all. I only resized them for web viewing. Once Adobe Lightroom has updated its RAW engine to be able to read E-P3 RAW file, I will be interested to see what its RAW files can offer. So, stay tuned.

Like I mentioned in part 1 of my testing, this review is not a technical review, but more about how I would use the camera. And so far, I love it, especially for street photography. It’s small, it’s not intimidating at all and it’s powerful enough at the same time. Unfortunately, the 12mm lens is not part of the bundles offered by Olympus. It has to be bought separately. So, when you decide to buy the camera, you will have to buy it with its kit lens, which is the 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 or 40-150mm f/4 – 5.6. It’s already out in the market now if you are interested

I will be testing the two kit lenses this coming weekend. So, please come back here again to check.

For now … enjoy these images from Little India.

The image below is a little over-exposed due to my own error, but I like it because the image is quite entertaining. Look at how the men checking if the jeans will fit their them. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Olympus PEN E-P3 Review – Part 3”

  1. If shooting jpeg the Oly far outdoes the Panasonic/lumi. Olympus has the best Jpeg engine going…beautiful colour. If shooting Raw though I have found that the 12mm has quite a bit of distortion that the Oly image processing fixes automatically. Given the price, and because it is a prime, I was a bit surprised about it.


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