Jurong Fishery Port is one of the two fishing ports in Singapore. Located at 35 Fishery Port Road in the West of Singapore, it operates daily except Mondays, from midnight to about 6am. The place is open for public, including end customers who want to buy some fresh seafood for personal consumption. You just need to bring your IC to exchange it with a visitor access pass. While many are sleeping, this place has just started to get busy.

Unlike Tsukiji Market in Japan, this place is not (yet) meant to attract tourists though there was a report before that it will undergo a redevelopment to make it one of the tourist attractions in Singapore. But till then, you are still free to visit.
I have to admit that the place is a bit intimidating for me initially. Maybe because I knew I came not to buy seafood but to photograph the place and the actions. Some of them were friendly but some gave me a cold stare. Serious looking guys walking around fast, pulling carts, sometimes shouting to ask people to give them way. Don’t stand in their way or you might get knocked. Others unload seafood from big containers into baskets, shovel crushed ice and cover the seafood with them to keep them fresh, and serve customers whom many of them are restaurant owners and fish mongers from various local wet markets around Singapore.
For this visit since its my first time, I decided not bring my camera and only shot with iPhone 6s. All photos were shot in colour and converted to black and white in Adobe Lightroom CC. Enjoy the images.

The wharf is out of bound but you can see boats docked from behind the fences.