Photographer's Journal

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

All these leaves had fallen and died. They are no longer in their glorious color of bright green. They are now brown, torn, curled and soon they will be decomposed. But they are always remembered as the vital plant organ responsible for the process of photosynthesis. The process that produces food for the plant and produces oxygen for us, the human beings. We need oxygen to breathe and to live. They are always remembered for the good things they did during their lifetime.

So, how about us? How do you want to be remembered? When I viewed these photos as thumbnails in Adobe Lightroom, they sent shivers down my spine. Imagine looking at them as dead bodies and then you try to remember what each of them had done during their lifetime. Those dead bodies can’t do anything anymore. They are helpless regardless who / what they were.

So again, how do you want to be remembered?

Don’t just not sin, but we need to practice virtues as well. Like these leaves, they had done good things for the entire plant by producing food and also producing oxygen for us and for the animals to breathe in. They are fallen leaves, but they are remembered for all the good things they did.

God bless you all.



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