Photographer's Journal

Bi Titi

Her name is Titi and she is a very kind person. She worked at the house where I rented a room during my university days in Bandung, Indonesia. I lived there for almost five years. She was standing at the door, in front of the kitchen and my room was just next to this kitchen. This shot was taken in early 2006, 12 years after I graduated and left that city to look for a job elsewhere. When I came to visit, the rooms there were no longer rented out to students. The owner of the house had passed away and the house was only used as a vacation home by the owner’s children.

I went there to visit the house again in November 2008 and was told that the house was already sold. Bi Titi was still there to look after the house but said the new owner may rebuild the house soon. I have yet to see it as I have not gone back there since then.

This was also one of the photos from my old photoblog. I am re-posting selected images from that old photoblog as I have lots of new images waiting to be posted too.

1 thought on “Bi Titi”

  1. What a wonderfull picture and story. I was there as well with Hendra Lauw on year 1988-1992. A house tht give us freedom to study and learn be a man…

    Thank you for Omma…
    Thank you for Bi Titi
    Thank you for Bi Ina…
    Thank you for friends : Hendra Lauw, Benny, Hendri, Kristanto, Jonny, Jerun, Tony…

    All the best for all of you…

    Hantarman Budiono


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