
Free Adobe Lightroom Preset – BWCoffee1

A time for giving and it is my free Adobe Lightroom Preset for Black and White conversion with a slight toning called BWCoffee1. You can download the preset here.

Instruction on how to install the preset in Adobe Lightroom:

  1. Unzip the downloaded file in your preferred location. You will see a file HendraLauwBWCoffee1.lrtemplate. That’s the preset file.
  2. In Adobe Lightroom, make sure you are in the Develop module.
  3. Expand the Presets column (by default the Presets column is on the left side of your screen).
  4. Create a new preset folder (named it for example ‘HendraLauwPresets’).
  5. Right-click on the newly created folder and choose “Import” from the pop-up window menu.
  6. Browse your computer where you saved the downloaded preset, select it and click Import.
  7. Your preset is ready to use.
  8. Have fun

I would love to see what you use it for and hence kindly leave a message here to point me to your website.

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