Lately, one of my favorite camera apps on iPhone, the 645Pro, has seen a lot of clicks from me in both color and black and white modes. I love it’s H5 black and white mode that has good contrast and nice grain for low light images. All the black and white images here were shot using this app in H5 mode. The color was shot in C42 mode.
Just like few other camera apps, the 645Pro can lock focus and exposure separately, which is very useful when shooting a scene with extreme highlight and shadow. Simply choose the area where you want to take the exposure reading from, lock it by pressing the AE-L button, and then recompose to focus and take the shot. Another feature that I really like is the ability to save the JPEG file in higher quality and the option to save in TIFF too! But it seems to slow down the saving process due to bigger TIFF file size. I will check it out again later. The app comes with a very good user manual too. Just press and hold the Display/Playback button to launch the user manual and you are ready to go.
In case you are wondering, no I am not paid to review this app. I just like it. 🙂
This series of images of Little India at night were shot somewhere near Desker Road and Buffalo Road which is only a small fraction of Little India. I will go back there to shoot more.
Few images below show people playing a game called “Gram”. That’s what I heard how they called it when I asked them. I tried to google it but found nothing. So, if you know the right spelling of it, kindly leave a comment below. It’s like a billiard but you use your fingers to play it.
Desker road can be quite colorful at night with the lights and colorful buildings mixed together.
And lastly, images below were shot near the Buffalo Road. You will see more men shopping for vegetables than women.
Buying $5 jeans.
Two friends chatting by the road side.
That’s all for now guys. If you missed my previous post on Little India, kindly go here. Keep shooting and have a great week ahead.
The game is called ‘carrom’.. a lot of Singaporean kids in the 80s will know it. 🙂
Thank you Jov and Ramesh. 🙂
The game is called carrom.
Good photos 🙂